Adobe Camp
Adobe Camp

Drew illustrations and edited using Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign.

Residential Life Door Hanger
Residential Life Door Hanger

Illustrated custom Truman the Tiger using Illustrator and InDesign.

IT Training Poster
IT Training Poster

Illustrations created in Illustrator and laid out in InDesign.

Talking Tree
Talking Tree

Created using Photoshop.

Credly Badges
Credly Badges

Illustrations created using Illustrator.

Web Ad
Web Ad

Illustrated using Illustrator.

Portal Icons
Portal Icons

Icons illustrated using Illustrator.

Sherlock Hound
Sherlock Hound

Illustration created using Illustrator and Photoshop.

Web Ad
Web Ad

Illustrated using Illustrator.

Division of IT Pull-up Banner
Division of IT Pull-up Banner

Pull-up banner created using Illustrator and InDesign.

Web Ad
Web Ad

Illustration created using Illustrator and Photoshop.

Box Web Ad and Poster
Box Web Ad and Poster

Illustration created using Illustrator and InDesign.

Super Nerd
Super Nerd

Illustration created using Illustrator.

Adobe Camp
Residential Life Door Hanger
IT Training Poster
Talking Tree
Credly Badges
Web Ad
Portal Icons
Sherlock Hound
Web Ad
Division of IT Pull-up Banner
Web Ad
Box Web Ad and Poster
Super Nerd
Adobe Camp

Drew illustrations and edited using Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign.

Residential Life Door Hanger

Illustrated custom Truman the Tiger using Illustrator and InDesign.

IT Training Poster

Illustrations created in Illustrator and laid out in InDesign.

Talking Tree

Created using Photoshop.

Credly Badges

Illustrations created using Illustrator.

Web Ad

Illustrated using Illustrator.

Portal Icons

Icons illustrated using Illustrator.

Sherlock Hound

Illustration created using Illustrator and Photoshop.

Web Ad

Illustrated using Illustrator.

Division of IT Pull-up Banner

Pull-up banner created using Illustrator and InDesign.

Web Ad

Illustration created using Illustrator and Photoshop.

Box Web Ad and Poster

Illustration created using Illustrator and InDesign.

Super Nerd

Illustration created using Illustrator.

show thumbnails